Blog about my memories as I recollect them!
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Monday, March 5, 2012

The Only Time I Ever Remember Daddy Spanking Me!!

I must have been 3 or 4 years old when my Daddy gave me a spanking.  I remember Mrs. Exa Spurlin, from when we lived across the road from her. Somebody was dead at her house and back then the family, friends and neighbors would go and "set up" with the corpse in their front room.  Well Momma and Daddy were going and I had no idea  what they did at those things (setting ups). I pitched a FIT like you wouldn't believe!  I meant I was going to go with them. I don't know if I pitched a fit very often, but I remember that one time I really pitched one!!! I guess my Grandmother "Granny" Northey must have been at our house to watch us kids. But I thought I would die if I could not go with them. My Daddy really laid a spanking on me and they left me at home. I remember standing behind the door squalling my eyes out.  From that day on I would not ask for anything, I was afraid I would be told NO!!! I could not stand to be told no, nor be denied anything, so I didn't ask. I would just wish for things.
       I remember when Juanita (my sister) got big enough to talk all she had to say was: "I want" and she got it , whether it was ice cream, candy or to go with Daddy and Momma.  Seems like she was always "wanting" something, but I was too timid to ask. Of course if she got what she wanted, Wayne and I got it too. But I do know I never asked for anything, afraid of rejection and refusal.  I don't remember ever getting another spanking from my Daddy, but I know I got a lot from my Momma!!!
      Being the middle child for about 10 years, I can tell you there is a difference between first, middle and third child. Although the first and third child will not agree with me, you can ask any middle child if they ever noticed a difference!!  Although I know Momma and Daddy loved me as much as any of the other kids, There was a difference!!!  All together we had a very happy and wonderful childhood. Our parents were good, decent hardworking people and they instilled in us the things we needed to grow into God fearing, responsible adults.

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