Blog about my memories as I recollect them!
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Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Nail

The Nail

My sister Juanita told me she was born at Blue Springs a little over two years after I was. So she got to live in the little house across from Mrs. Exa Spurlin and moved with us on the wagon. But I am sure she doesn't remember it, because I barely do.
Well, I will try to give you some more fun details!!
My Daddy farmed on the farm near Fleeta for several years and we live in the big house there. When we moved in there or shortly thereafter, they were building a screened porch on the back of the house. Well, you know how a three or four year old (not sure about the age) is rambunctious and won't listen when Momma says don't do this or that, the kid will go ahead and do it anyway. So I was jumping around on the unfinished porch floor and of course I fell!!! Can you believe it?  I fell onto a plank with a nail sticking up out of it and one of my hands hit the nail and it went almost all the way through it right below the base of my thumb. I could see the scar until a few years ago. You wouldn't believe what my Momma made me do?  Go to a Doctor? Of course not!!  She took a saucer and poured kerosene into it, yes, kerosene like you burn in a heater, and she made me put my whole palm into that kerosene!!! Can you imagine the screaming, crying and whining, no! no! no! it will hurt!!! And believe you me it burned and hurt a lot, but I did not get lock-jaw nor an infection!! So much for old wives tales about home remedies!!!! They still work!! But who uses them?
Stay Tuned..........

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