Blog about my memories as I recollect them!
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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Addendum to Second Blog

Addendum to Second Blog

I want to add some things to my second blog as I have decided to make this a permanent record of events.
In my second blog I said I was born about 10 miles from the nearest town and some other things that I need to put names to.
I was born in a place called Blue Springs community about 10 miles south of Opp, Alabama.  My Father was Charlie Lee Northey, my Mother was Lucy Mae Wise Northey. My Grandmothers were: Elizabeth Caylor Northey (Lizzie), and Lou Anna McKinney Wise. My one living Grandfather was John Pete Wise. My Grandfather Richard Reginald Northey had passed away many years before. His relatives had migrated from either Ireland or England a long time ago. (Not on the Mayflower!)
The Aunt that was present at my birth was Lottie Lee Northey, wife of Tommy Northey. My older brother, who was a little over 2 years old at that time is: Wayne Lee Northey. I have no idea how many and which cousins were already born at that time. I do know I had a big gang of them.
 I don't know when we moved from Blue Springs to a little house between Opp, Alabama and the Fleeta Community across the road from a Mrs Exa Spurlin.  I vaguely remember moving from the little house down the road toward Fleeta to a big house and farm that Daddy and Momma had bought. I must have been about 3 years old and all I remember is moving on a wagon with a mule (or two) pulling it. I think I was sitting on the back of it and if I remember correctly there was an ironing board sticking out over the back. Anyway we lived on the farm and Daddy farmed and we had cows, pigs, chickens and so forth. I will tell more in the blogs to follow. I had a baby sister, Juanita, born some two years after I was born. I do not know if we were still at Blue Springs or if we already were at the other place. I do know that we had a happy childhood, the three of us.
More to come, stay tuned.........

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