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Thursday, March 1, 2012

More Country Living!

I remember so much that we did when we lived on the farm near Fleeta/Opp!!!
     We had a porch swing and we all loved to sit on the front porch and swing! All us kids (when the cousins were there) would sit and talk and giggle like every thing that was said was hilarious!! Once we got too many of us in the swing and do you believe on one end the chain that was holding it up broke!!!! Well, you know we all started carrying on like we were kilt!!! But the thing that made us so mad!!!!was all the kids not sitting in the swing, laughing and pointing fingers, and call us babies for crying. Boy!! It hurt out feelings to be laughed at!! But we got over it and the swing was put back up for more fun the next time.
     I remember us going to Sweetwater Baptist Church in a wagon pulled by a mule. Seemed like it was a long bumpy ride, but really it is only a few miles. I remember going to Sunday School and preaching at that Church until we moved away.  I was a very young 12 or 13 (maybe younger) and I was the Sunday School Secretary!  I can't imagine why I was chosen, but I do remember ordering the books, keeping up with the attendance, etc. We did have a car sometime before we moved from that house, it was a black car, no telling what kind.
    We used to go to the Halloween Carnival at the School house some night close to Halloween. The most fun to me was the fishing hole.  They would have a sheet hung up and there was a pole (stick) with a safety pin on the end of a string and we would throw it over the sheet and some kind person ( with patience) would be behind the sheet all night and put a prize on the pin and pull it and we would think we had caught a FISH!!!  We would be so excited over whatever they put on our "hook". There was always a big crowd there for the festivities.
     I had friends at school and we, the girls would play jacks on the cement slabs that were on each side of the front steps at recess and or play period. We did not have anything called PE, but we had play period and I guess we were on our own. I guess the boys probably played catch or something and we girls jumped rope and played hopscotch as well as jacks.
     My Momma used to be a cook in the lunchroom at Fleeta.  We always had the best food. I always loved to eat in the lunchroom even when I was in high school. The food was like a regular home cooked meal.  Momma and the other ladies could bring home food that was left over. I do know they made the best vegetable soup, mashed potatoes, black eyed peas and anything else.  It was all sooooo good!!!!
More next time.......

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