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Friday, March 2, 2012

A Permanent Wave!!!

I must have been 7 or 8 years old (not sure) when for some reason, Momma decided to get me a permanent wave!!!

I had not idea what she had in mind for me.  The beauty shop was located in the Old Colonial Hotel in downtown Opp.

Well, first I guess the lady cut my hair, then she put these roller like things in my hair, then of all things she hooked me up to some electric machine. It was very strange looking and huge. I was afraid it would electrocute me!!  Those roller got soooo hot!!! She had handed me a pencil and said if it starts burning point to the spot with the pencil and I will adjust it.

Well, it burned and I don't know how long I stayed hooked up to that thing. But I did not have curls, but I had a lot of frizz!!! I don't really remember how it looked, but nothing like I had imagined.
The machine looked like this picture:

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