Blog about my memories as I recollect them!
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Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I think one of the reasons that L.G. decided he could not wait until June to be married was the fact that my brother Wayne married in December of 1953. He married a classmate and friend of mine: Eloise Colquitt. I think he thought that if they didn't have to wait until she graduated, then why should we. Although we were only 17 years old and had to have our parents signature. I guess Eloise had to have her parents sign as well.

Anyway, we set our date for April 3, 1954.We were married at Westview Baptist Church, Brother James Eady officiated at our wedding. We had a very simple wedding, just a few potted plants at the Church. We were going to let Brother Eady marry us at his home across the street and he told us it would look nicer on our Marriage Certificate for our children to see that we got married in a Church instead of his house. We agreed. L.G. was late arriving for the wedding. He said their car caught fire, but they could still drive it. He did not have his own car and his Dad would not let him keep it. Don't really blame him as they had to go home to Lowery.

My Daddy and Momma took us out to the Sweet Shop in Opp and bought us our wedding supper. I remember eating hamburger steak with all the trimmings and it was delicious!!  Then Momma and Daddy let us drive them home and we went on to the apartment we had rented. We had furnished the living room, bedroom and a kitchen dinette with furniture that L.G, worked out with his cousin who owned a furniture store in Opp. The store was going bankrupt and the cousin told L.G. he could have what we needed if he would help him move some of the stuff out of the store before it foreclosed. That is how we got our first furniture.

We went to our apartment to begin our married life together. BUT!!!! guess what? L.G.'s Aunt Myrtle and Uncle Shelton Clark were sitting there waiting for us! I don't remember how long they stayed, but we were just a "little" put out with them. I don't know why they didn't just go to the wedding.  THEN the next morning, would you believe that L.G.'s Mom and Dad came and dropped Emmitt (L.G.'s) brother off to spend the day with us!!!! So, since we had to return Daddy's car to them, Momma cooked dinner for us and we all stayed over there awhile before Daddy took us home. What a start for a honeymoon! We both walked, me to school then to work and he walked to work. He only went to school through the 7th grade. He had to help his daddy on the farm, that is why he quit (although I don't think he liked school). That is why he had a job at 17 and not still in school

Regardless of all this, we lived together for 45 years,4 months, 10 days and 2 hours and 15 minutes before L.G. passed away from complications of congestive heart failure in August 1999.

After we had been married for 6 years we had our firstborn a son, Scott, then two years later our firstborn daughter Jan, and then after 11 years we had another sweet baby girl, Lori Anne.
This will conclude my blog as the rest of my story with L.G. is too private for a blog but is being put in writing for my children and grandchildren. They will chose what to share or not.

Thank all of you that have read and followed my story. I am sure I left out a lot, but at least I got some of it down.
Love in Christ.

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