Blog about my memories as I recollect them!
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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Back To Those Horrid Gold Crowns!!

I still had those two ugly gold crowns when I started working for Dr. Burgess and it did not take him too long to take care of them. I needed a lot of dental work and he spent a lot of time fixing me up. I had to have a lot of fillings done. I also had my upper left cuspid (eye tooth) impacted in the roof of my mouth, which he had to cut out. When he got all that done, THEN he made me a partial to replace four of my front teeth, removing the two with the crowns on them and the two front teeth. I was so happy!! No wonder I could smile all the time!!! No more gold tusks!!! That is what I looked like with bridge with the two crowns!! I wore that partial for about 30 years. When I went to work for Dr. Irving Bern in 1985 in Montgomery, Al., after we closed the Big "R", he made me a permanent bridge. It took me several months to stop reaching up to remove my partial to brush my teeth!! Ha! I would just automatically reach up to take it out to clean it. I had a new bridge made about 5 years later and I am still SMILING :)!!!

Now, I will go back to my story,
I worked for Dr. Burgess and went on and graduated, then I worked full time for him. Loved him and his family and working for him. I really enjoyed working in dentistry and went back to doing that after we closed the restaurant. (more about the restaurant when I get to that point.)

I even got to go to my Junior/Senior prom when I was in the 11th grade. I did not date anyone, but Drexel Lundy, a boy my family knew, took me. I think that Mamma and Daddy asked him to take me, I don't think he asked me. We never dated afterwards. Anyway, I had a light blue, long evening gown to wear. I had never been to a dance or anything like that banquet and dance.  They had a Grand March after the banquet to begin the dance. Imagine my surprise and a little embarrassment when Mr. St. John, the superintendent of the Opp City Schools, chose me to be his partner to lead the Grand March!!!! I am sure he had no idea who I was and just happened to pick me. Anyway, I was kinda impressed with that.  I don't remember anything else about the prom.

I did not go to my Senior prom, as I was married by then and L.G. (my husband) did not want to go and I always thought I had to do whatever he wanted.

I will tell more about L.G. and our whirlwind courtship and marriage next time.
Adios!! For Now!

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