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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Back to 7th Avenue in Opp
We had a lot of fun growing up in that house. We lived there until all of us were married except Judy.

One day we decided we wanted a see-saw. So I guess we used a saw horse  or it might have been something else we used and a long board. Anyway, Momma said, "y'all going to get hurt!" But we said, "No we won't". So we proceeded to set up our seesaw. Momma warned us, "if y'all get hurt, I am going to whip you!" Now our back yard was not level at all, it slanted down pretty significantly from the house, but we set it up anyway on that hill with the seesaw going up and down it. Well, I guess we were having a good time, BUT all of a sudden the board shifted and threw me and I think Wayne was on the other end. Anyway, the end of the board came up and hit me under my chin on my neck and broke the skin pretty good. Of course I started bawling and squalling loud as I could!!  Momma came to the back door and said, "I told you, y'all was going to get hurt!"  Well, I did not want a whupping, so I said,
"I-t-it-it ddiinn't hurt, IIII jusstt t-h-o-u-ght it dddddiiiiiddd! Trying very hard not to cry. I think Momma probably got tickled at me trying not to cry, but I tell you it did hurt!!! That was the end of our see-saw! We took it down.

One of the most important things to happen there in 1948, We had a baby sister born in February of that year.  I was twelve years old at that time. We were all excited when we were told that Momma was at Dr. Hurst's clinic and that we had a new sister.  They brought Momma and the baby home in the ambulance later the same day. Daisy Sexton was Dr. Hurst's nurse at that time and she rode the ambulance with them. When they got Momma all settled in with the baby and they started to leave, Daisy said, "If the little brat starts crying, just give her some paregoric." I tell you, that made me so mad!!!! The very idea of calling my baby sister a "brat"!  Don't know if it bothered anybody else, but it hurt my feelings something terrible.

Momma wanted to name her Judy, so that was her first name. There was a song on the radio that my Daddy really liked: (Goodnight Irene) and he wanted her to be named Irene, so that is how she became Judy Irene Northey!!! She was a pretty little thing. Of course we all spoiled her rotten. One day when she was a few weeks or maybe months old I just know she was small, I was walking up the walk in front of the house holding her and I dropped that precious little baby!!! Oh, I was so scared I had killed her!!! I probably cried harder than she did. But it evidently didn't do her any great damage as she is still alive, no thanks to me. But I was one SCARED youngin I tell you!

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